Tuesday 9 February 2010

Guest Post Blog Swap

Hi, everyone! I am Lois and I'm guest-posting on Helen's blog today. We are taking turns hopping between three blogs and our topic today is how we are like our moms.

I'm from the US and am so excited to be visiting you all virtually on Helen's blog today. I hope you will take a few minutes and stop by my blog after you're done here.

My page focuses on all the things about my mom that I admire - and how I hope that one day I'll be as strong a woman as she is.

The journaling reads as follows:

As time goes by, I find I am becoming more and more like you - or I am realizing that I am more like you than I thought. I am not really sure which is the case but I know it doesn't really matter. To me, being like you is an accomplishment. If I "grow up" to be the calm, confident, caring and supportive woman that you are to me, then I will have succeeded in life.

You are fiercely loyal - those that choose to tangle with you or your loved ones will find themselves on the wrong side of things very quickly.

You are very giving - I am always amazed at how you always find the time to do things for others. No matter how big or small the gesture, you are always there to offer someone a pick-me-up, a smile or a kind word.

You are like the Energizer Bunny - I can remember wondering as a teenager why you never sat down! You were (and are still) always going and doing and rarely stop and sit for very long. Of course, now, I understand the never-endling chore list that mothers have but I still marvel at your seemingly unending supply of energy.

You are strong - taking care of the things that need to be taken care of - whether you want to or not. Taking care of the things that others can't take care of themselves. Taking care of others when they can't take care of themselves.You are always willing to listen, to counsel, to cheer and to coach... whether it is my girls, my friends, or me.

You give of yourself freely and lovingly and offer the benefit of perspective and experience to help us on our journeys.

I have very large shoes to fill if I ever hope to be like you - but I sure hope I make it one day.

While I probably should consider myself "grown up" by now as I'm over 40 (egads!) I really don't feel like I'm there yet when I think about the person I hope to become one day. I'm so lucky that my mother and I are very close - we talk daily (sometimes more than once a day) even though we live over 400 miles apart. We share stories about our days - from the mundane dinner menu we are cooking to the more profound thoughts about raising children and caring for our families.

My mom is an amazing woman. This layout doesn't begin to do justice to who she is and how much I admire her.

Now, off you go! Check out Kate's blog - I believe Helen has a post over there - and Kate has posted a page about her mom on my blog!


  1. What a lovely layout :-) It brought a tear to my eye x

  2. Welcome to Lois! That is a great layout. I agree with Mel - sniff...
    A blog swap is fun!

  3. Thanks, Ladies! I am glad you liked it!
